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How to Combat Thinning Hair

Thinning hair is a problem that plagues men and women both at some point in their lives. Although many solutions are advertised on the market, few actually produce any meaningful results – and those that do can be incredibly hard to find. Fortunately, there’s a much easier solution with proven benefits and results. PRP therapy, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, is an advanced rejuvenation technique that can actually stimulate natural hair growth and help you reverse hair thinning. Below, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this treatment.

What is PRP for Hair Loss?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a natural formula derived from your own blood. Starting with a small blood sample, the platelets will be separated from the other ingredients in the blood, producing a concentrated amount of blood plasma. This platelet rich plasma contains what are known as “growth factors”, which have natural healing properties. These growth factors have been used for years to accelerate recovery from sports injury as well as for a variety of other health-related purposes. Over the past several years, it was discovered that this same treatment can actually rejuvenate the hair follicles in the scalp, restarting or improving the natural growth of hair.

What Can I Expect from PRP Treatments?

As mentioned above, a PRP treatment begins with collecting a sample of blood, which is used to create the PRP for your treatment. Once created, the PRP will be injected across the scalp. This provides an obvious benefit over hair transplant and other hair restoration techniques, because this is a completely non-surgical treatment that requires no cutting or sutures. Once the injections are performed, your treatment is complete.  Any temporary swelling and bruising will resolve within a few days.

When Will I See Results from PRP for Hair Loss?

The PRP treatment begins to work immediately, but it may be several weeks before you notice any substantial improvements in hair growth and thickness. Most patients begin to notice results within three months. For optimal results, we often recommend multiple PRP treatment sessions, which will be performed every few months to continue stimulating hair growth and producing the results you desire.

Is PRP for Hair Loss Right for Me?

PRP is a preferred hair loss treatment because it’s natural, non-surgical and can be effective. If you would like to determine if the PRP treatment is appropriate for you, contact us today to schedule your consultation at Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery.

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  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery
  • Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery

Facial Plastic Reconstructive & Laser Surgery